Via Bellardi, n. 40/A
10146 - Torino - Italy
Tel. +39 011.7072398
Fax +39 011.7072521
Valle d'Aosta - Piemonte - Lombardia - Liguria
Via Valgioie, n. 94
10146 - Torino - Italy
Tel. +39 011.0882009
Fax +39 011.0882012
Trentino - Veneto - Friuli
Via Keplero, n. 4 G/H
35028 - Z.I. di Tognana
Piove di Sacco (PD) - Italy
Tel. +39 049.8079285
Fax +39 049.8087725
Emilia romagna - toscana - sardegna
Via delle Querce, 22
40011 - Anzola dell'Emilia (BO) - Italy
Tel. +39 051.0353243
Fax +39 051.0353244
Marche - umbria - abruzzo - molise
Via Roma, n. 10
63078 - Pagliare del Tronto
Fraz. di Spinetoli (AP) - Italy
Tel. +39 0736.814110
Fax +39 0736.984002
Centro sud italia
basilicata - calabria - sicilia
Via Fonte Monsignore snc
64010 - Ancarano (TE) - Italy
Tel. +39 0861.739878
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For each application Fixi informs its customers how to use the right FASTENER and sensitizes them to always use the proper product. For the customer the choice of the fastening system is strategic, it is well known that the time spent for the laying and the cost of the working staff is more expensive compared to the fastener.
Our sales network is able to offer customized solutions for every working demand, throughout Europe.
The carefully selected products are national, but also European and non-European.
In the field of sheet metal working we produce BLIND RIVETS, THREADED INSERTS, SELF-CLINCHING FASTENERS and WELDING STUDS. For the solid bodies we produce the line of SELF TAPPING THREADED INSERTS and the line of WIRE INSERTS. For the plastic industry, we produce a wide range of INSERTS and STUDS in BRASS and in STAINLESS STEEL.
FIXI s.r.l. Via Bellardi 40/A - 10146 Torino (Italy) Tel. +39 011 70.72.398 - +39 011 70.70.877 - Fax +39 011 70.72.521
Cap. Soc. Euro 100.000 - Reg. Imp., Cod. Fisc. e P.IVA IT 13092700015 - R.E.A. To N.1338440
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